The meeting

Research in DNA computing and molecular programming draws together mathematics, computer science, physics, chemistry, biology, and nanotechnology to address the analysis, design, and synthesis of information-based molecular systems. This annual meeting is the premier forum where scientists with diverse backgrounds come together with the common purpose of applying principles and tools of computer science, physics, chemistry and mathematics to advance molecular-scale engineering and biology. The 31st International Conference on DNA Computing and Molecular Programming (DNA31), organized under the auspices of the International Society for Nanoscale Science, Computation and Engineering (ISNSCE), will focus on the most important recent experimental and theoretical results.


Solicitation for Papers

Papers and presentations are sought in all areas that relate to biomolecular computing, including, but not restricted to: algorithms and models for computation on biomolecular systems; computational processes in vitro and in vivo; molecular switches, gates, devices, and circuits; molecular folding and self-assembly of nanostructures; analysis and theoretical models of laboratory techniques; molecular motors and molecular robotics; information storage; studies of fault-tolerance and error correction; software tools for analysis, simulation, and design; synthetic biology and in vitro evolution; applications in engineering, physics, chemistry, biology, and medicine.



All papers and abstracts should be submitted electronically via EasyChair through this link:

Papers must be submitted in PDF format.

We encourage authors to enter information on their potential submissions early; partial submissions can always be updated or removed until the submission deadline.


Key Dates

Full paper (track A) and extended abstract (track B) submission: April 22, 2025 (11:59 PM AoE)

Please note we are on a tighter than normal schedule and there can be no further extension; we have already compressed the reviewing, revision and publication timeline.

Notification of paper acceptance: June 9, 2025

Revised manuscripts due: June 23, 2025

Poster (track C) submission: June 15, 2025 (11:59 PM AoE)

Notification of poster acceptance: June 30, 2025

Early registration deadline: July 10, 2025

Registration ends: August 14, 2025

Conference: August 25-28, 2025



Conference Venue

Amphithéâtre Charles Mérieux, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France


Conference venue

ENS de Lyon

École Normale Supérieure de Lyon (Monod campus)
46 allée d'Italie
69007 Lyon


Nearby International Airport

LYS: Lyon Saint-Exupery airport, 29mins from "Gare de la Part-Dieu" train station in the center of Lyon using the Rhonexpress train (departs every 20mins)

or XYD: Gare de la Part-Dieu train station in the center of Lyon) to which you can get a combined airplane+train tickets

Ground / Train Transportation 

French fast train (TGV Inoui, Ouigo or Trenitalia) gets you in the "Gare de la Part-Dieu" or Perrache train stations in the center of Lyon

We do not recommend using car in Lyon.


ENS de Lyon is at the Debourg metro station (TCL line B (blue line), 15 mins from the "Gare de la Part-Dieu" train station)

Subway tickets can be bought at every subway station. Ticket consists of a rechargeable card (10-ways recommended). Once validated, the ticket is valid for one hour in every possible directions (limitted to the subway, buses and tramways).


Invited Speakers



Thanks to our sponsors



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